Welcome and congratulations on taking a step towards earning college credit while in high school through Pasadena City College’s Dual Enrollment Program!  Dual enrollment gives you the opportunity to take college courses without leaving your high school campus. You will earn both high school and college credit for the courses, free of 负责.

Steps to apply to PCC’s Dual Enrollment Program:

Make them (high school counselor or principal) aware of your interest, learn what courses will be offered and get their approval. Your high school will have to approve your participation in dual enrollment. 

Once you have been approved by your high school and you have applied to PCC, you will have to review and sign a Dual Enrollment Approval Form: high school student. The form can be picked up from your high school counselor or principal. You should only have to complete this form once for the duration of your high school enrollment and your participation in PCC’s dual enrollment program. 

Your parent/guardian will also have to approve your participation in PCC's dual enrollment program by signing their part 的 Dual Enrollment Approval Form: parent/guardian of high school student. 

Once PCC receives your completed forms with signatures (student and parent versions 的 Dual Enrollment Approval Form), as well as an unofficial copy of your high school transcript, you will be enrolled in the dual enrollment courses approved by your high school counselor or principal. High school transcripts will be provided by the high school.